Monday, December 22, 2008

Let get politcal for just a sec...

I love reading other peoples blogs, obviously thats probably what got me interested in doing this. I really love the political liberal blogs written by some angry page or wanna be politlcal correspondent blogging away using words that they themselves have no idea what they mean they just found them in the Word suggested thesauras, but they're big and sound intellegent, so why not? I stumbled upon from reading another blog, which led me to the post about Dick Cheney talking about the wire taps and all that. Now, I'm semi-hippie political, peace and love and save the environment, no war kind of thing so I don't really know much about this whole thing however I am going to say my peace real quick about it. Sen. Rockefeller (D-WV)was the vice-chariman of the Intelligence Committee in 2003 when this wire tapping issue first came to surface in the White House. Cheney, the shadow dweller that he is pulled a fast one on everyone and claimed he didn't need Congress approval he just should let them know what he's doing and go ahead with it... which sounds a lot like what we did with the United Nations... nah its ok we got this we're just gunna go ahead and bomb some peeps...mmmk? Except this time it was nah its ok we got this we're just gunna go ahead and spy on our own citizens because we're paranoid, and well... we just can so why not... what are you going to do about it. "When the president does it is not illegal"... well Mr. Nixon what about the Vice President? Dude, Cheney sucks. He's such a snively little cyborg... BUT that is neither here nor there. Moving on, this is not supposed to be a blog about Cheney, although he is a whole book on its own, this is more about Rockefeller and the other people who had it in their power to stop this. All of the people who were at the meeting whom Cheney claims told him not to go to Congress that he didn't need their permission are now comming out saying that they didn't like what he was doing? Well... why didn't anyone do anything? Apparently Rocks wrote him a note saying he didn't like what Cheney was up to? WROTE HIM A NOTE?! What in the hell is that going to do? I feel like Cheney is the biggest scam artist in the history of forever, but in that light you kind of have to have a little admiration for his scamming skils, from one scammer to another. He shot some guy in the face point blank and got away with it, and wire tapped the country just by saying nah I got this? Genius! If only he used his good instead of evil. So this blog turned out to be comepletely un organized and just rant and ramblings but I feel better getting my distane for him out. After taking a closer look at the VP you kinda have to feel bad for G. W. Bush because it's almost like he's a victim of being bullied and just doesn't know any better because apparently what Cheney want... Cheney get. Ok I feel better, sorry if this is just completely random with now strand of thought to make the ideas flow but it is what it is.

I still have to start my X mas shopping and its 3 days before... Sweet!

ho-kay peace out
(photo: politcal humor)

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