Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Another Post about Another Douche

So apparently Marya and I were correct. Kristen Stewart is a total douche-packer-extraordinaire. In continuing with posts about women we think should be erased from the entertainment industry, besides the obvious Tina Fey (who really does have "that face") and Sarah Silverman, Kristen Stewart is next on the list.

Kristen Stewart, you are.....a twat. That's the only word I can think of when I hear her name. Perez Hilton recently posted this about the twat-waffle herself. He even came up with the same word for her.

So ok, I know that I am a little R-Patz and Twilight obsessed, and Bella Swan is probably the worst leading character ever written....but when thrown into something as big as this franchise is becoming, what did she expect to happen? Did she really expect to be asked questions of worth? Did she think the reporters were going to ask her what she thought of the problems in the middle east? The economic crisis? Of course they're going to ask her what it's like to kiss a vampire, and pretty soon they're going to ask her what it's like to kiss a werewolf...so get used to it! It's like she's "biting" the hand that feeds her (no pun intended)

Trust me Kristen Stewart, I don't like watching you be a bad actor in Twilight either, but don't go knocking it because people keep asking you dumb questions. Without these movies where would you be? Make any films of worth lately K-Stew? Yeah...Panic Room was reeeeeaaalllllly great...Win a lot of awards for that?

Honestly Kristen Stewart....knock it off. You're in this for the loooong haul. Has she even read the books? Does she even know what she has to do in the future? I'd crack those bad boys open and take a look before she decides to do the third and fourth...Maybe we can get someone who can...um...act, and be grateful for the opportunity to be in a movie that has literally become an obsession overnight.

Take a look at the Harry Potter bunch...do you see them telling everyone that they're put in psychotic situations? No! Even though they are...and I am sure they get asked a million stupid questions too. The only thing is they realize what Harry Potter is, and they are happy to be in a production about a book that has influenced so many children. Twilight is the romance novel of the time, just as Harry Potter is the epic of the time. So you're in this Kristen Stewart, whether you like it or not.

Also...We totally called it, her being as interesting as a corn flake. Why the hell is she famous? How did people even remember her to make call-backs or whatever? She's a bland actor, and a bland person? I mean...sure that fits Bella Swan to a tea...but COME ON!!! Bella at least had some sort of spark when it came to Edward. You're killing me K-Stew and this little snippet of how you actually are uniteresting, and how you hate the "psychotic situations" and inane questions is just like twisting the knife in further.

Here is my advice Kristen Stewart. Even though you are a mundane and mediocre person and actor...watch some comedy movies, read the effing books, and shut the hell up. Twilight is going to make you set for life. Be thankful for the opportunity, or stop wasting my, and the rest of the twilight fans' time. We don't think you're that great anyway, and if we have to watch you in three more movies...you better sure as shit be happy about it...twat.


  1. I don't know, but the way the character was portrayed didn't really make me want to cheer for her. Her depressive attitude and lack of enthusiasm for anything really sunk the film for me.

  2. There are countless better choices for Bella. Kristen Stewart didn't deserve the role.
    Twat is the best word for her.
