Friday, June 3, 2011

Because I suck at finishing things...

I've been SCIENCED! into writing today. So for lack of a better post I am going to finish something I started on facebook. The 30 day song challenge...I failed it. With only three songs to go, I just kinda whatev'ed it and peaced. But damnit today, I am going to here they last three songs of the 30 day song challenge.

Day 28: A song that makes you feel guilty-
Oh I'll one up this song...This song accompanied with this commercial makes me feel like the biggest douche in the world for not having enough money/resources to adopt every neglected pet in the country. I am seriously.

Yeah...feel that? That's the go hug your dog.

Day 29: A song from your childhood-
I can go a number of routes with this one. If I go way back I can post songs from those Wee-Sing Together videos (which were the shit. The Mystery Musical Mansion episode is tits. period.) ooor any number of songs from the shows I watched as a kid, Winnie the Pooh, Eureka's Castle, even Gullah Gullah Island, oor I could go ahead and post any number of NSYNC and Backstreet Boys videos seeing as they dominated my adolescence blocking pretty much any other 90s music until they stopped making music. No, instead I am going to post a song that will always remind me of my childhood. A time when Disney knew how to make a good animated picture. My favorite Disney movie of all time, and favorite song from that movie.

Day 30: Your favorite song from this time last year
Easy one because I had to buy the CD because of it. I also believe this was the beginning of the end for me and the radio...the top 40 station progressively started to piss me off after we don't even speak, and most days I want to rip it out of my car and throw it on the street. Please don't tell the radio I said that, it's fickle enough as it is. Thank SCIENCE! someone introduced me to 88.7 XPN or the radio and I would have parted a long time ago.

So I am finished. 30 (+) days of music that describes me as a person...although for most of the questions I could've had at least 5 different answers. I tried to choose the ones that stood out most to me. It is impossible to just have one song for a certain memory or emotion. How flat. No, music changes with me as it changes on its own, and that is the beauty of it. Anyway...until next time kiddies.

1 comment:

  1. I am applauding! There is a distinct SCIENCE to a good blog post and you nailed it, haha!!
