Sunday, December 6, 2009

Graduated Blues

I don't really want to really "dig" in deep on this subject because it makes me sad, but I will simply say this, being an adult is terrible. After receiving the dreaded loan repayment letters the other day, it hit me. This is what adult life comes down to- bill payments, and loan repayments and monetary obligations, and pointless drudgery like the 9-5ers, or two of them. No wonder adults are miserable, this sucks. I know there is some saying that's like life is what you make of it, and ok people...I vow to never let my life pull me down. I may have to do this adult shit because I just don't enjoy federal prison, but fuck being an adult. What is the fucking point? To be a boring ass drone to some ideal that money will make one happy? Nah, I'm ok. I have been truly happy and it was at a point where I had no money to my name, I had to steal food because buying it just wasn't an option. Maybe in some ways I am being naive, that being a degenerate is no way to live a life, and that I am still riding the coat tails of my college life. Yet, there is a big part of me that has always felt that being grown-up is a silly idea. There is no point to leading a life where you are constantly unhappy about it. So fuck it, the "adult" lifestyle is not for me, and I refuse to let my vitality be taken away from me by something so pointless as growing up. Age is just a number anyway.