Thursday, December 11, 2008

Allow Myself to Introduce...Myself

Well since we're making introductions here, and I start to gag when I do actual work, I guess I should give you all a little preview of myself. You can fill in the blanks as time goes on.

My name is Sarah, and I am a 22 year old city girl who lives in the most remote country suburb known to mankind in Pennsylvania. Although I go to school in NY now, I try to avoid PA like the plague. I find that at any given time, I am completely random. My thoughts are never quite constant and I'm always thinking about something that is going on around me. I take the more simple view of life, and believe there is nothing in this world that can't be fixed by humor. I appreciate a good joke, quip, etc. Although I am a generally sardonic type of person, I love all that life has to offer, it just makes for good material to think about (see the circle here?)

Likes: People watching, movies, peace signs, summer, music...literally any type of music, except for death metal...that shit can take a sounds like burping and mic feedback mixed with guitars playing too many chords to be recognizable. Dancing in places where you don't normally dance like in line waiting to get bagels, Jack Daniels, fashion both good and bad, celeb gossip, books, Twilight and Harry Potter, nerds (both the candy and the people), tea, making lists (which you will find I do constantly), big sunglasses, food, and being utterly hilarious with Marya.

Dislikes: Fake people, liars, the rain, the cold (unless it's snowing), being a speech pathology major, surprises, Oprah, Keanu Reeves (seriously, who keeps giving that guy acting jobs? HE CAN'T ACT!), Fringe boots..sorry Marya, people who take everything too seriously.

Well that's all I have from the top of my head, right now I'm trying to finish some work I haven't done since November...(I'm a very good student too) and I'm listening to pop songs as played by orchestras....check it out, you'll be blown away. Later bbs.

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