Tuesday, December 16, 2008

We feel sorry for you, Colin Hanks

Today's topic...is it really that great to be a famous person's kid? Now, besides being set for life (unless you're Winona Ryder's kid or something) and having the privilege of saying, "hey my mom/dad won an academy award" is it really that great? I mean...don't you think it would get kind of annoying? Do you have to become famous because your parents were? Especially nowadays when celebs are pairing up like magnets and popping out babies at a rabbit's pace. All these babies are going to grow up together in their famous parent's shadow. So does that mean in 18 years all these "celebuspawns" are going to go into the movie business? I gotta tell ya, I dunno if I can handle that, based on what I have seen so far as famous people's kids entering the movies. Prime example....Colin Hanks.
Seriously? Your dad is Tom-fucking-Hanks and the only movies you can get are "Orange County" and the "House Bunny"...oh and you played the best friend in "Get Over it"...with Sisqo...COME ON! I bet it really bothers him that he's Tom Hank's son. I wonder if it's like a joke at the dinner table for them.
Tom: So, Colin...how was working on the House Bunny today?
Colin: Oh, fine...you know I think it's going to be a really important piece of film for this generation. What are you working on?
Tom:Oh just a little film called Angels and Demons... based on one of the most celebrated novels of the 20th Century. Nothing too special...
Now, I'm not saying I don't feel for Colin Hanks. It's gotta be hard trying to fill his dad's shoes. The guy is one of the best actors of his generation, of any generation...As I said before, he's Tom-fucking-Hanks. Maybe he could use it to his advantage, I mean I'm pretty sure he can get laid simply by saying "I'm Tom Hank's Son" (Just as I typed that I thought of a really good pick-up-line he could use..."Hey I'm Tom Hanks son, wanna see my Woody?" Wonder if he would ever use it?) I also believe that Tom Hanks lets his son be in some movies that he works on. That's generous, but come on Colin, your dad can probably get you better roles than "Drunk Frat Dude" from "Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny" The sad thing is Jack Black probably got him that role.
Another example, Rumer Willis. All I can say is WTF? Are you serious? Just because your mom and dad were THE couple of the 90s does not mean you have to make yourself known. No, go away...omg..I just realized she was in the House Bunny too. Was that movie the Mecca for all really good movie star's no so famous kids? Rumer, sweetie...no. Just, no.
But what do I know? I don't have famous parents. My mom is a nurse and my dad works in a can factory, but that doesn't mean I want to go into the nursing biz. So lesson here, if you're some famous person's kid I don't care how much you want to "take over the family business" Unless you're really good (I've only seen this work out for three people, Gwenyth Paltrow, Kate Hudson, and Miley Cyrus) Please don't try to get famous. We're only going to laugh at you. Live off of your parent's success. I mean why would you even want to work at all?
Oh, and Colin Hanks...I loved you in Careless, but NO ONE KNOWS THAT MOVIE EXISTS! You are Tom Hanks son, you should be able to get the word of your movies out...Use his name if you have to! Until next time...celebrity babies might rule the world in 18 years, and if the past has shown us anything, the future is going to have a lot of sucky movies.

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