Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's Still Funny

Does anyone remember that tv show on Fuse called "Behind the Music that Sucks"? It was a parody of BTM obviously, but it was animated with a jib-jabesque cartoon scheme. They mostly made fun of the grous that were popular around 1999-2000 like Britney Spears, Mariah Carey, and Christina Aguilera, but they also poked fun at idols like Billy Joel. Anyway, the show was hilarious. My brother recently found probably the funniest of the episodes; their parody of Nsync. You can watch it below. If you don't think this is hilarious especially around -1:13, or -:58 then I don't know what's wrong with you. I'm still laughing at it right now and I have seen this video so many times! Enjoy!

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