Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Piles and Piles of....homework

It's the Tuesday before spring break and the sessions crew is stressing out. So not normal for us.
I don't know why professors feel it is ok to pile on work the week before we're due for a break, and then pile on more work to complete over the break. It's a tad evil...no wait, more like extremely wrong. Do they remember what it was like to be in college? No one wants to do homework over break. No one WILL do homework over the break. Wouldn't it be easier to save themselves marking all the terrible papers written day of 2 hours before class, to just wait until after break so they can grade quality papers? There's something sinister about it all.
I hope everyone else is having a better week. It's 1pm and I feel like drinking heavily, just to give you a clue into my day so far. Keep it at a sane level kids.

1 comment:

  1. i need an sessions update dammittttttttt<3 haha love youuu -Lo
