Thursday, March 12, 2009

Team Jen

Ok, so Jennifer Aniston was dumped by John Mayer People are confirming. They were my couple, I'm devastated I don't care what anyone says I loved them together. They were obviously not right for each other, but I just wanted it to last. John is a player and Jen is getting on in her years and probably wants to settle down. Maybe not with kids, but definitely something steady she can rely on and stop looking. I feel so bad for her. She is so pretty, and has a pretty good career, super famous, serious cash, but no love. Fucking Angelina. No! Whatever, I know what your thinking "I love Angelina blah blah blah". Well I am totally Team Jen all the way. Brad is an idiot. Or maybe there is something wrong with her maybe shes super crazy and insecure or something either way I think we'd be bffs. Do some yoga, smoke some cheeb, go tanning. Jennifer Aniston always has the most perfect tan, does anyone else notice that? And I love her style you can always expect something a little hippie chic from her at the big awards usually a long white or light dress, perfect tan, natural make up, and her hair down. Simple and perfect. She's like me except way skinnier, tanner and richer and famous-er if that was a word. I thought her and John Mayer were great. They could hang out, smoke some herb, fiddle with his guitars. She was the hippie chick to his rocker, she seemed like the perfect arm candy for him. But you can't keep a rocker down he must spread his seed.

So Jen I'm rooting for you, and if you ever wanna hang out I'm in the NYC area and will be in LA beginning of April. Hit me up. We'll smoke and hang out on the beach? Sound good?

That's all for now lovers.


  1. Amen, bro.
    a. angelina can suck it
    b.I still say they were never really dating, they were smoking/fuck buddies
    c. should def hang with us.

  2. I like both of them for their own reasons,
    but not together. It's not like both of them won't find other A listers who they are more compatible with.
    Jen is so hot for 40, it's pretty ridiculous.
