Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Ok usually I give the gays props for having impeccable taste in everything, but they really missed the mark on this one. I was recently informed that the Sarah Silverman show will be returning for another season because of Comedy Central's sister station "Logo."
Logo directs their programming towards the gay community, but I didn't know it had any affiliation with Comedy Central.
So anyway all these people from Logo complained that they were slashing The Sarah Silverman Program's budget and eventually weeding it out of the programming schedule so they all joined together to make sure it stayed on air.
WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!? Comedy Central had it right the first time. The show obviously wasn't THAT popular if they chose to cut their budget! Really, the show is terrible. It's the same unfunny jokes told over and over again by that annoying troll doll of a person...I am ashamed to even share the same name with someone as unfunny as she.
How many times do I have to hear her say, poop or hang out with some homeless guy who doesn't say anything...oh wait he poops and smells like poop. The entire show is about poop.
Just because there is a gay couple in the show does not mean it's quality television! They're not even that funny either...Everytime I watched the show they were fighting about something. I don't think that's condusive to a great storyline whatsoever...and you want to keep this dribble around? You even gave it a bigger budget than it had before! I would rather be curb stomped than to hear that!
To my gays...I love you, but you're killing me here. As long as that no talent pole with legs has her own show. I am going to continue to be mad at you for doing this to me.


  1. While the gay community provides us many wonderful things such as the village people and the Toyota Prius, you have to remember they also gave us things like assless chaps.
    At least they kicked her the fuck off comedy central, she had no right to be there in the first place.

  2. glad you made a post about this travesty.
