Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How Many Beers for "The Wrestler" Mickey Rourke...Now.

I don't need to go into the whole he's great actor, "The Wrestler" was amazing...blah blah blah THE MAN IS FUG! But, does his ability and eclectic-ness in all aspects of life out weigh his "Fug-ness". For me... No. I am giving Mickey Rourke 15 beers give our take 5 depending on his level of charm. Thoughts?



  1. I give credit where credit is due. I dunno if I wooould...but I would definitely hang out with guy and see how long it takes me to get fucked up. And if he isn't into that anymore. I would hang out just to play with his dogs. Doesn't he have like 7 or something?

  2. ummm I think I'd need to be on the verge of alcohol poisoning to hook up with him. I'd love to just talk to him about life, botched plastic surgery & his future plans...

  3. If the thought of participating in relations with Mickey Rourke has even crossed your mind, I may just have to keep you away from alcohol forever... as a precaution to a disastrous event.
    Whatever has caused his face to morph into its present condition may spread.
    A talented actor perhaps, he resembles a mongrel and is a certified creepah.

  4. Case In Point:

