Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So What?

Here at Sessions, we like to keep up with the news. We also feel that when something in the news is completely ridiculous, it needs to be exploited. The news has recently been circling around 8 time Olympic gold-medalist Michael Phelp's unfortunate run-in with a camera whilst partaking in some "herbal refreshment." I have been following this story because I knew at some point the media was going to get ridiculous, and without fail, I have found most headlines on the major news sites read like this:

-Michael Phelps betrays himself and his admirers (The Boston Herald)

- Michael Phelps Drug Use Is a Shame—but Adults Defending His Pot Smoking Are Shameful (US News & World Report)

The only reporter that seems to be making any sense is Sally Jenkins of The Washington Post. However, most of the other newswires are slamming her for defending his actions when she was merely stating the fact "he merely got caught doing what scores of people -- I'm not saying me -- did every weekend in college,"

I have to say that I am a bit appauled at the level of negative response to Michael Phelp's actions. I do acknowledge that what he did does hold some negative weight considering that he is a role model, national celebrity, sports icon etc. but I cannot say that what he did was wrong. It was just a wrong thing to do in front of a camera. Jenkins' article dissects Michael Phelps into two kind of people, the Michael who won 8-gold medals because of grueling training and unhinged ambition, and the Michael who is still a 23 year old, and who will do 23 year old things, like get wasted at a party. I have to agree with Ms. Jenkins here. So what if he likes to get high every once in a while? Also, given his age I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't the first time he has smoked. As a partygoer commented on Perez Hilton, "You could tell Michael had smoked before. He grabbed the bong and a lighter and knew exactly what to do. He looked just as natural with a bong in his hands as he does swimming in the pool." The fact that the news has decided to take this harmless picture as a slap in the face from the swimmer is a load of shit. Once again I ask so what?

The facts are these: Michael Phelps won 8 Olympic gold medals breaking the previous record of 7 gold medals in a single Olympic Game. In 2004 he won 6 Olympic gold medals. So, in total the guy has 14 Gold Medals hanging above his chimney place, refrigerator what have you. 14 fucking medals and the entire world is calling him a pot head and hoping he gets thrown out of the 2012 Olympics. Another fact, Michael Phelps isn't in the Olympics anymore. If he isn't swimming for the better half of his day, and if he not commited to any sort of rigorous drug-testing schedule, I'd hit the bong too. Another fact, Michael Phelps was arrested for DUI in 2004. At the time he was 19, did anyone try to press criminal charges against him then? No, because at that time 6 gold medals was nothing...but it looks like being a record holder must hold some other weight when it comes to breaking the law. I think the most important fact is that Michael Phelps is 23 years old. What did you think he was going to do after the Olympics? Besides being the face for every company that decided to sponsor the Olympics, he's got nothing else to do. Any 23 year old would love to just walk into a party after that kind of excitement and take a few hits from the pipe. Michael Phelps does this and all of the sudden the moral code for athletes is in the shitter. Get a life people.

If anything, his 2004 arrest should have been a much bigger deal. He was 19 and driving while intoxicated. Those are two big no-no's in any party animal's rule-book. Now that he's all famous and kids want to be like Michael Phelps it's some big deal that the guy occasionally smokes. The US and World Report mainly went on this detail because his endorsers are backing him up. Let's look at another set of facts. What Michael Phelps does in his free time is his own business. Besides being absolutely humiliated by these pictures and the media assholes looking for anything to bring him down, he was not infringing on any of their deals. He wasn't hitting the bong while burning his speedo, or pissing on a wheaties box. He certainly isn't still swimming for the next Olympics. So what's the big deal?

America holds a very high standard for her athletes. In my opinion, these standards are damn near impossible. To most of these athletes winning and succeeding becomes more than just a drive, it becomes their complete obsession. However, when this obsession becomes harder to maintain many athletes turn to drugs...the hard kind. Steroids are very popular in today's sporting world. Although many sports organizations have begun to crack down on this habit that is sadly becoming more common amongst athletes, many cases continue to go unnoticed. Yet, when America's most celebrated athlete does probably the most harmless drug of all, it's an atrocity? People judge whether he is what he says he is? Michael Phelps has 14 Olympic Gold Medals you fucking morons. Isn't that enough? Don't you think for once you can be your kid's role model? He cannot be Mr. All-American ALL the time.

So Michael Phelps, we at Sessions do not judge you. We encourage you to do whatever makes you happy. And if you like to smoke out of bongs, we have a nice blue one with a bowl packed just for you. You've earned it.

Oh one more thing...a big fuck you to whoever took that pic and sold it NOTW. Do you feel good about yourself? Whoever invited you into the smoking circle should seriously reconsider ever inviting you to anything again. That is seriously the most fucked up thing a person can do while smoking, who taught you your pot-smoking ettiquette?

If you'd like to read Sally Jenkin's story you can click here


  1. So now what are you feeling since he was banned by USA swimming until May and I think weaties dropped him as a sponser? Also if he was a black athlete, would the consequences be more or less? Just some food for thought!

  2. Well obviously I'm really peeved that all of his sponsors are dropping him, and that he got banned. It's so ridiculous. The poor guy is never going to live this down all because he was acting his age. It's very sad.
