Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm Random... and booooorrrrrreeeddddddddd

Ok so I don't want to take away from Sarah's newest post by posting so quickly after it so DON'T FORGET TO READ IT. Also, I love that Sarah posts on relevent things and I am just random and post about pish posh. However, I wanna talk Twilight real quickly. I saw three guys today walking around campus working the Edward Cullen look. GENIUS! To the credit of heterosexual boys everywhere I never thought this would happen I just hoped. I saw THREE guys today working the tighter fitting jeans, not skinny jeans, just well fit with a button up and pea coat OPEN WITH HANDS IN THE POCKETS. AND... to make it all worth while... the cherry on top... freaking messed up bed hair OMG I FREAKED OUT. I just wanted to stand up and give each one of them a standing ovation for their attempt at getting the ladies. What a wonderful strategy! I just kind of figured that all the guys in the world were just gunna hate on Edward Cullen for all perfectly understandable reasons, but to the few who realized this was an ass getting gold mine I applaud you. So to all you lonley boys out there... no not you Dan Humpfrey you're just fine the way you are, this friday the thirteen work the vampire look and maybe you'll have a valentine all your own.

happy creeeping...

don't forget to read sarah's post!!!!

1 comment:

  1. awesome pic Marya, he makes my heart feel all warm and fuzzy.
    Take some notes boys!
